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Paul bourne

Growing up in Barbados, Paul spent much of his younger years in the ocean, swimming, sailing, windsurfing and surfing. At the age of eighteen, he started working with his family's business, M.E.R. Bourne & Co. Ltd., which is named after his grandfather and owned and operated by his father Michael and uncles Charles and David. The business was in import and wholesale food distribution operation which by the 1990's represented Nestle, Unilever and other large international conglomerates. The Bournes have since sold the business but they maintain ownership of the buildings and property. 


While working in the family business, Paul had also himself as a formidable rally driver on the local and regional scene. Once the family trading business is sold, he had time to focus on himself and hone his rallying skills. Throughout his racing career though, an injury to his lower back occured while lifting weights at the age of nineteen, continued to plague Paul. Despite consulting with doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and pain mangement specialists, the pain continued to get worse. 

Eventually, while attending a health and fitness conference in Toronto in 2011, Paul met Paul Chek, a Holistic Health Practitioner and founder of the CHEK Institute in California.  The two met for a consultation a couple of months later and at this meeting Paul Chek advised his client that a big part of his back pain was related to the quality of the food he was consuming. The seed was planted. 


When Paul returned to Barbados, he examined the quality of food available locally and it quickly became clear that only processed 'Factory Food' could be found. No grass-fed meats, no organic produce. There was an Organic Farmers Association who were not certified, but who were certainly trying to improve the quality of food in Barbados, but unfortunately they were very small and left lots of room for improvement.  

The need to change farming practices in Barbados became the motivation to create PEG. Paul travelled to Florida to see organic farms there, to Virginia to see Joel Salatin's operation and to California to see Biodynamic farms and visit the Rudolf Steiner College. He attended conferences and broadened his network of people in the field of healthy farming practices. 

Back at home he searched for nearly a year to find the ideal site for his project. In 2013, he found his dream spot and began negotiations with landowners. Later that year, Paul met Matias Baker who is a consultant in the field of Biodynamics. Together they have moulded Paul's dream and PEG is now growing nicely towards the Goal, Intention and Vision.  

Tel. (246)433-9806

Easy Hall Plantation,
St. Joseph - 

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Farm - Monday - Sunday 6:00am - 6:00pm

Café - Tuesday - Sunday 8:00am - 3:00pm

Meat Shop - Tuesday - Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday 9:00 - 2:00pm

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